Im The Same
I really liked this. It didnt make too much sense, but it felt familiar to me. To be an insane person who cant explain why.
Im The Same
I really liked this. It didnt make too much sense, but it felt familiar to me. To be an insane person who cant explain why.
I might be retarted, but i didnt get the ending. it was hilarious, but i still dont get the last part. i understand it was a "cracker" but how does that open the gate? am i thinking too far into this?
hehe, yeah man. The humour is very basic.
A for Effort=You Suck
Its spelled "too"
Its spelled "censored"
The "dont worry its almsot over" shows a lack in confidence
I didnt like the "fag" comment at the end
The explosion needs to be more colors than 1, especially grey
Congrads on maintaining a 0 average
it was good considering no sound (except song) and that it was bunnies. i thought the crash of the car shoudlve been shown and a better song. maybe the shins?
Your other episodes pf this series were kinda of pointless, this one was the only one worth existance. I loved it. So tragic. The horror, the horror....
I almpst thought there was a happy ending, close one. I love how it was all in shades of grey, the silence (except the music), and the metaphore.
I loved this, i mean the storyline was what tied the knot. I cant wait till the next one and i hope its even better! Can;t think of anything u cud do 2 make it better
Be creative, everyone else is heheh. There's plenty I can do to improve and I will be trying to do so for the rest of the episodes I make - hopefully you'll enjoy all of them, cheers ears!
Age 33, Male
Wyoming Highschool
Cincy OH
Joined on 12/28/05